The music festival set to take place this weekend and next in the Bahamas has already descended into chaos with canceled flights to take attendees to the event, reports of shoddy housing, minimal food, no drinks and overall delivering almost nothing that was promised. Already one of the headliners, Blink 182, has canceled their appearance due to fears they would not have the setup to provide their typical show. Said the groups spokesperson to Billboard:
“Regrettably, and after much careful and difficult consideration, we want to let you know that we won’t be performing at Fyre Fest in the Bahamas this weekend and next weekend. We’re not confident that we would have what we need to give you the quality of performances we always give fans.”
— blink-182 (@blink182) April 27, 2017
The following appears to be an announcement from a pilot from one of the charter flights taking attendees to the show saying no more flights and the venue is ‘overcapacity.’ Which seems unlikely for a primarily outdoor venue which they new the number of attendees well in advance. At this point there is no official cancellation announcement but it seems unlikely the event will happen or best case will be a shell of what was promised.
Update 4/28/17 12:115 AM PDT:
Apparent email sent to attendees confirms no more flights to the event – unclear what Friday will bring:
Update 4/27/17 10:57 PM PDT: Unconfirmed reports posted on social media state the island country of the Bahamas have barred any more charter flights to the event due to the lack of housing/deception about the event!
More video and photos:

Video of the venue:
dang Ja, que pasó ?
?? #FyreFestival— ロドニー (@djnessnyc) April 28, 2017